Big stuff is happening off-screen in the new set of Game Of Thrones preview pics

The preview photos for the last episode of Game Of Thrones focused a lot on those fur-lined cloaks, big maps, and the beaches of Dragonstone, but the episode itself was actually more about Daenerys finally cutting loose and roasting some Lannister soldiers alive. HBO has now released preview photos for the next Game Of Thrones, but since the big dragon battle was conveniently left off of the last batch of pics, there’s probably something very cool happening just out of frame in these photos as well.

Let’s take a look and see what we’re missing out on.

Here’s Varys, looking very concerned about something. Given Melisandre’s ominous warning about his future earlier in the season, maybe he’s starting to realize that only Dany and maybe the Starks are going to make it to the endgame of this show.

Luckily, he’s still got time to drink with his buddy Tyrion. There probably isn’t something awesome happening just off-screen in this shot, but they’re likely having a good conversation about how uncomfortable it is to sit on those stone steps. Surely Tyrion and Varys have earned chairs by now?

Speaking of being comfortable, here’s Cersei on a nice-looking bed. Unfortunately, having a nice place to sit isn’t doing much for her these days. It’s hard to tell what she’s thinking from this angle, but it seems safe to assume that she’s either coming up with ways to murder her enemies or reminiscing about her dead kids (or her missing brother).

Samwell’s storylines all wrapped up pretty nicely earlier in the season, with him telling Jon about the Dragonglass and ripping that gross shit off of Jorah, so his reappearance here means something new is happening. Or maybe he’s just writing some Game Of Thrones fan fiction about the coolest and bravest character: Samwell.

Jon Snow typically only has two expressions in these preview photos: Angry/confused and worried/confused. This one seems to be the former, given the dramatic walk he seems to be doing, so maybe this is an instance where something interesting really is happening off-screen.

This photo makes that even more likely, with Jon looking at something with his worried/confused face while Dany seems to look at him for guidance. Perhaps whatever is happening off-screen here is someone or something that Jon knows better than Dany, like Theon or a captured Jaime Lannister. Or maybe Jon just always looks like that and Dany is worried that something is wrong with him.

These last two photos probably take place earlier than the others, since this seems to be the aftermath of the dragon attack. Tyrion is doing his hilarious Jon Snow impression here, while Dany is putting on her queen face and probably telling some Lannister stragglers (like Jaime and Bronn) to surrender or die.

Finally, here’s sad Tyrion, suddenly feeling bad that a bunch of guys working for his family got slaughtered by dragons. At this point in the show, though, it seems like only villains like Cersei or creeps like Littlefinger are allowed to look happy, so maybe it’s a good sign that Tyrion is so mopey.

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