Bill Murray supports any females who aren’t Bill Murray for new Ghostbusters movie

Always up for a new Ghostbusters movie that he doesn’t have to take part in, Bill Murray has thrown his full support behind the notion of an all-female Ghostbusters—knowing full well that no amount of cajoling from Dan Aykroyd can ever get Bill Murray to be female. Murray was in Toronto for “Bill Murray Day,” so named for the national day when Canadians take sticks in hand to flush Bill Murray out, when he was asked by Access Hollywood how he felt about rumors that director Paul Feig may put his female comedy spin on the franchise. His answer (via Schmoes Know) was a little sarcastic, but as always, it surrounded the kernel of truth that he really, really doesn’t want to do it:

It sounds great to me. It sounds as good an idea as any other! There are a lot of women that could scare off any kind of vapor! No, it’s a grand idea, I don’t know who they’re talking about, but it’s a good idea, I would watch it! I mean, I love Robert Palmer’s videos, so why wouldn’t I love the female Ghostbusters?

Echoing those sentiments and dad jokes, Murray also told the Toronto Star, “I’m fine with it. I would go to that movie, and they’d probably have better outfits, too.” He even had some casting suggestions, saying his St. Vincent co-star Melissa McCarthy would be a “spectacular Ghostbuster.” And just in case Bridesmaids director Paul Feig needs any more suggestions, he should maybe also check out Bridesmaids: “And Kristen Wiig is so funny—God, she’s funny!” Murray said, adding, “I like this girl Linda Cardellini a lot. And Emma Stone is funny. There are some funny girls out there.” Most importantly, almost none of them are Bill Murray, meaning they earn Murray’s highest endorsement for Ghostbusters 3.

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