Bill Murray talks Ghostbusters 3, remains fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing

In terms of sequels we might actually, cautiously entertain the idea of harboring some modicum of curiosity about, Ghostbusters 3 is tentatively on that list—if only because we would have to expect that the fear of completely bungling the legacy of the original would spur them not to go through with it unless they had a truly worthwhile idea. Also encouraging: The fact that Bill Murray, self-evidently the only member of the Ghostbusters troupe who’s maintained any semblance of dignity, doesn’t really want to do it, and seems adorably annoyed by the very idea—which all but ensures some measure of quality control. You may recall that Murray appeared on Letterman in March and claimed that the idea of another Ghostbusters would be his “nightmare;” today Coming Soon posted an interview with him conducted at a press day for Get Low in which he expands on those comments while also frustratingly muddying the issue even further.

According to Murray, the oft-circulated idea that he would only do the film if he were killed off in the first reel and then spent the rest of the movie as a ghost began as a joke, but soon spiraled into an actual idea. However, the team that was supposedly writing that version of the script served up a little movie called Year One first, which soured producers on working with them for some reason. Murray says, “So it's just a kind of a dreamy thing. They want to create a new generation of Ghostbusters, you know? They'd just like us to pass the torch.” Asked to clarify that making the film would indeed be his “nightmare,” Murray then goes on to say perhaps the smartest thing anyone in the movie business has said about sequels in years: "Well, it's true, but we made a great movie and then we made another one, you know? So we went to the well twice and it's almost impossible to do the second movie as well.” Ah, so it’s definitely not happening, right?

But then he sort of negates all that by saying, “I actually thought the other day—it's just become so irritating—but I actually heard people like, young people that really [heard] of the movie when they were kids and I thought, ‘You know, maybe I should just do it. Maybe it'd be fun to do.' Because the guys are funny and I miss [Rick] Moranis and Annie [Potts] and Danny [Aykroyd]. Those people are some people that were really, you know, I miss them. I think that's really a big part of it.”

So where does that leave us? Exactly where we’ve always been: It’s still just an idea, and Murray can’t seem to make up his mind about whether it’s a good one. Perhaps if we took a vote in the comments? We're pretty sure Bill Murray reads these things.

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