Billie Lourd will take care of Carrie Fisher’s beloved bulldog

For the last few years, Carrie Fisher’s constant companion has been Gary, a therapy dog that joined her at various interviews, red carpet appearances, and even the White House Correspondents Dinner. The French bulldog recently became a social media star in his own right, thanks to a popular Instagram page that features tons of photos of Gary with his tongue hanging out while visiting some exciting location or meeting famous people with Fisher. There’s also a very popular—though unofficial—Twitter account with the same basic premise.

Many fans have wondered what would happen to the dog after Fisher’s death yesterday, and now TMZ is reporting that Billie Lourd, Fisher’s daughter, will be taking Gary in. Lourd already has a French bulldog of her own named Tina, and the two pets are reportedly “best friends.” TMZ adds that Fisher always intended for her daughter to take care of Gary if something happened to her, but the dog will still “remain in the family” even if Lourd is unable to take care of him for some reason.

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