Billy Corgan has become a man, wants to be called William now

Billy Corgan has become a man, wants to be called William now

Time to don your yarmulke and write Billy Corgan an $18 check, because the 48-year-old Smashing Pumpkins frontman, experimental musician, and ex-pro wrestling promoter has finally become a man. And as part of his transition from a Smashing Pump-kid into a Smashing Pump-adult, he’d like it if you stopped calling him “Billy.” That’s a little boy’s name. It’s William Corgan now.

Corgan broke the news of his new moniker at a recent show in Lima, Peru, where he corrected the crowd as they sang him “Happy Birthday.” In response to the well-wishes, Corgan said, “My name is not Billy. My name is William,” and, even though that’s kind of a dick move when people are trying to do something nice for you, the crowd responded by chanting “William! William! William!” “My mother thanks you in Heaven,” Corgan said. Mazel tov, William! When do we eat?

[via Consequence Of Sound]

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