Billy Crystal developing new movie in which old people have sex

After ending a decade-long absence from the movies, irresistibly lured by the comedic possibilities of kids being different from older people, Billy Crystal has signed on to another film, based on the comedic possibilities of older people having sex. Deadline reports that Crystal will star in the Frank Oz-directed Winter’s Discontent, a tale based on the classic Shakespearean monologue in which Richard III muses bitterly on his ostracizing from the world, then vows to go to a retirement community for sexy seniors and get some. Or, we suppose it’s possible that screenwriter Paul Fruchbom meant the title as merely a play on words in his well-received, Black List-selected script, which finds Crystal playing “a widower who moves into a reputed, active mature community in an attempt to reinvigorate his sex life,” and then Crystal ad-libbed quips about erectile dysfunction pills and the Yankees happen. But just like Richard III, Crystal’s character will be burdened by getting his hump back, which is a joke he can have for the talk shows and whatnot.

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