Billy Eichner starts beef with Burger King over ripoff ad

Someone on Burger King’s marketing team watches Billy On The Street, a statement supported by a new Burger King ad featuring a guy yelling at some kids about chicken nuggets. The case could be made (and Burger King’s lawyers are presumably ready to make it) that the ad is just a “man on the street” segment, an idea Eichner did not invent. But actually watching the ad, there are certain details—the actor’s raised voice and aggressive delivery, the excitable yelps he elicits from his interviewees—that recall Eichner’s signature shtick. The guy even kind of looks like Eichner:

Well, apparently they don’t also watch Parks And Recreation, because then they’d know Eichner is not one to be fucked with. Last night he petitioned his Twitter followers to shame Burger King into pulling the ad, or apologizing, or something:

Eichner’s fans responded, bombarding @BurgerKing with Internet outrage that included the words “Your chicken sucks donkey taint.” His famous friends also took to Twitter to express how dis-satisfried they were with the situation:

Then McDonald’s got into the fray:

Burger King has yet to comment.

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