Biz Markie, Wayne Coyne, and Dave Grohl join forces to pimp Yo Gabba Gabba!'s clothing line in a new music video

Biz Markie, Wayne Coyne, and Dave Grohl join forces to pimp Yo Gabba Gabba!'s clothing line in a new music video

Just in case the release of a video co-produced by Rocket From The Crypt earlier this month left any doubt as to who constituted Yo Gabba Gabba!'s true target demographic, the avant-garde Nick Jr. show has just released another music video to promote a clothing line its made in collaboration with Volcom. The clip, "I Can't Believe It's Really Happening!," features Biz Markie expressing his jubilant disbelief that Yo Gabba Gabba! and Volcom would join forces to sell stuff by comparing the partnership to a range of other harmonious pairings, including "chocolate and milk," "macaroni and cheese," and "Dylan and Brenda." And while references to Beverly Hills 90210 may only make sense to the most SOAP Network-savvy of 6-year-olds, the video as a whole—which also features appearances by Mark Mothersbaugh, Wayne Coyne, Jack Black, Jon Heder, and Dave Grohl—is sure to make legions of stoned hipsters very happy.

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