: Bizarre #19

: Bizarre #19

We live in a weird world, as anyone will tell you, and for a couple of years now, the British magazine Bizarre has been attempting to bring some of its stranger aspects to light. Of course, so have tabloids like Weekly World News and such TV programs as World's Deadliest Swarms. So, aside from glossy paper, what's the difference? The answer is that, while cheeky and prone to putting half-naked women on the cover, the writers of Bizarre actually seem to care about the stuff they cover. The most recent issue addresses subjects as far afield as the world's most colorful brothels (such as Italy's Granny's House, which caters to the elderly), a chart illustrating various human parasites, and Sammo Hung's Martial Law. Unfortunately, this range of interest doesn't always translate into articles of any depth. A flashy cover story on twins, for example, does little more than rehash old clichés. Even more frustratingly, an article on Bangkok corpse collectors who roam the streets looking for dead bodies in order to shore up both cash and good karma barely scratches the surface of a fascinating subject. Still, if you're looking for information on the plague of cochongliers, the human-created half-boar/half-pigs that currently trouble the French countryside, Bizarre remains your best bet. Placed on a coffee table, it's sure to start some pretty interesting conversations, some of which may involve the Australian occupation of piss whistling.

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