Blockbuster teams unite in this Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad exclusive

Anyone who reads superhero comics probably won’t be surprised to learn that a fight between superhero teams would turn into a team-up, and that’s exactly what’s happening in the Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad event. That’s not to say that the miniseries has been predictable; the quasi-villainous nature of the Suicide Squad adds a certain “X” factor to Joshua Williamson’s story, and rather than bringing the Squad to the side of the angels, the plot has drafted the Justice League into Amanda Waller’s team. DC Comics has been doing great work with the crossover events in the current Rebirth era; last year’s “Night Of The Monsters” Bat-family event was a rollicking action spectacle, and Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad is just as entertaining, replacing giant monsters with a huge line-up of heroes and villains from across the DC Universe.

That large cast of characters is highlighted in this preview of next week’s Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad #4, which sees Maxwell Lord and his team of villains launching their attack on Amanda Waller’s base in Belle Reve Penitentiary. Artist Fernando Pasarin and inker Matt Ryan bring a lot of drama to that opening two-page splash of the three teams preparing to do battle, and there’s a sense of grandeur in these pages that is very appropriate for a fight of this scale. The weekly schedule of this title has required a different artist for each issue, but the editorial team has assembled a strong line-up that keeps the quality of the visuals high, and Alex Sinclair (with Jeremiah Skipper) brings consistency to the art by working on every issue. The weekly schedule prevents the momentum of this story from ever slowing down, and it’s refreshing to get these quick, effective events from DC when superhero crossovers have a tendency to drag on and on.

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