Bob and David back at HBO

Partners in hilarity Bob Odenkirk and David Cross are making a pilot for HBO, according to the duo's website. Writes Cross: "We should be shooting in LA in the beginning of MAY. We'll keep you posted on exactly when and where (we'll have room for 150 audiencers). We are both very, very excited about it and feel it's really strong and important to the health of America." The show has been described as a sitcom with a sketch comedy feel, and is tenatively called David's Situation. Cross recently gave some more details to MTV Movies Blog, explaining: "I'm playing me. I've left Hollywood, I've had it with Hollywood. I now write for in-flight magazines, and I've moved to a gated community in an unknown suburb; you don't know where it is or what part of the country. I have two roommates – one is extreme right wing, a cranky conservative pro-America guy. The other is this left wing, hippie, liberal-activist guy. And I'm right in the middle." Cross said he hopes the show lasts a few seasons, though "we would only do ten or twelve episodes for a season… personally, I would be happy to do six. I don't wanna spend that much time in L.A."

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