Bow Wow denies sending Tweet asking for oral sex

Bow Wow denies sending Tweet asking for oral sex

You'd imagine a young man who grew up in the two healthiest, most functional realms in the world—hip hop and child stardom—would make a smooth transition from kiddie icon to adult artist. Alas, rapper Bow Wow (it's just Bow Wow now because, let's face it, Li'l Bow Wow is a silly name) has had a rough last couple of months, and that's just in the Twitterverse.

In January, Wow got in trouble for a common mistake: Tweeting about driving drunk on New Year's Eve alongside his good friend and fellow role model Chris Brown. For some reason, some folks found that irresponsible. Now, according to, Wow is once again facing criticism once word began to spread that he'd accidentally sent a Direct Message requesting oral sex from a fan to all of his 400,000+ Twitter followers. It's unclear whether Wow wanted the Twitterverse to orally service him at the same time or take turns and work in shifts.

It's a moot point however, as Wow denies having ever sent the oral sex message, either to a single follower or the world at large. With that out of the way, we can now all go back to ignoring Wow's albums and film career. As for me, I'm about to Tweet about this cracked-out dog-fighting party I'm at with DMX. Oh fuck, I never wrote that. Why would I? Y'all are crucifying me, Internets.

Wow's entire defense can be found below:

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