Bow Wow posts stock photo of private jet, then gets caught flying coach

If anything’s been made clear In this post-truth society, it’s that we can’t trust anyone. No, not even Bow Wow, the moniker of once ’lil rapper and actor Shad Moss. Bow Wow’s new reality show, Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta, premieres May 25 on We TV and, in advance, the performer both tweeted and shared on Instagram a photo of the private jet that was, presumably, taking him on the accompanying press tour. Pretty impressive for a reality TV star, but hey, he was in The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift.

Alas, as one intrepid Twitter user pointed out, it turns out Bow Wow’s champagne wishes and caviar dreams were, well, exactly that: dreams.

Yep, Bow Wow was riding coach with the rest of us plebes. Another user even found the stock image he passed off as his own.

People reacted as you might expect.

Perhaps inspired by Bow Wow’s disregard for reality, some even took it one step further, creating the #BowWowChallenge, wherein users flaunt their own not-so-true claims to wealth and luxury.

The lesson we should be taking away from all this: Flying coach isn’t embarrassing. Swapping in stock photos to try and convince people otherwise and getting caught in the process? Yes, that is very, very embarrassing.

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