Bowling Night With David Letterman & Bill O'Reilly

Bowling Night With David Letterman & Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly stopped by The Late Show With David Letterman last Friday to promote his (currently #1 best selling in the category of non-fiction, which has to be a mistake) book, Bill O'Reilly: How To Wear An Anorak…For America!

Thankfully, they didn't really talk about the book (or the charming

Culture Warrior doormat that you can wipe your feet on for the low, low price of $39.95). Instead, the two sparred about Iraq, a topic that worked out well for both men because it gave Letterman the chance to show off his debating skills and humorously parry every one of O'Reilly's jabs, and it gave O'Reilly the chance to run the same failed "It's all an act" joke deep into the ground.

Basically, it was really fun to watch. Here's part one:

And here's part two:

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