Boy George Picks Up Garbage! OMG!

Unless a talking kitten is discovered within the next five hours, all of you will be seeing the same "Isn't life funny?" ending segment on your local news tonight. The story that beats every other quirky slice-of-life tale today: Boy George picking up garbage as part of his community service.

How do I know that your local news will be covering this? Because every camera in the world is trained on George and his reflective orange vest.

Watching a public figure (from the 80s) fall from grace is fun and all, but come on.

Possible questions this intrepid reporter is asking Boy George:

—So, what's it like to pick up garbage?

—Who are you wearing? Ha. Just kidding, George. Wait. Hang on, I'll ask you a real question…

—Some people would say this is humiliating. Care to comment?

—When you were recording "Karma Chameleon" did you ever think that 20 years later you'd be here, picking up garbage?

—What's the smelliest thing you've touched today?

—No, really, how do you


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