Boyhood’s Ellar Coltrane joins Tom Hanks in The Circle

The wildly star-studded cast of James Ponsoldt’s The Circle (based on the book of the same name by Dave Eggers) is getting another big name to join Tom Hanks, Karen Gillan, Emma Watson, John Boyega, Bill Paxton, and Patton Oswalt: Ellar Coltrane, the kid we all watched grow up in Boyhood. The movie is about a giant tech-company that develops a program to constantly track and scan what people do, and Coltrane will play the ex-boyfriend of Watson’s character (a young woman who goes to work for the company). Unlike most of society, he chooses to reject this terrifying new technology and tries to go off the grid as a kind of rebellion. Also, in a clever homage to Boyhood, all of the characters in The Circle will gradually age over the course of its two hours. It’ll be hard to tell, but if you look really close you’ll be able to see everyone getting slightly older.

(via The Hollywood Reporter)

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