Bradley Cooper and Emma Stone get the Cameron Crowe treatment in the Aloha trailer

Cameron Crowe has created some of the quintessential movies about teenagers, like Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Say Anything…, and Almost Famous. But adults tend to bring out his twee, pretentious side, as in 2005’s Elizabethtown, in which leading-man-of-the-moment Orlando Bloom commits career suicide, is chewed out by boss Alec Baldwin, and then builds himself back up when energetic sprite Kirsten Dunst inexplicably devotes her life to cheering him up.

Now, ten years later, Crowe has written and directed a completely different film, Aloha, in which leading-man-of-the-moment Bradley Cooper commits career suicide, is chewed out by boss Alec Baldwin, and then builds himself back up when energetic sprite Emma Stone inexplicably devotes her life to cheering him up. At least this time around, Bill Murray is in it, as are John Krasinski, Danny McBride, and Rachel McAdams, who nabs the only territory unexplored in Crowe’s previous work as an ex with whom Cooper has to make amends.

As the title would suggest, Aloha is set in Hawaii, and in the grand tradition of Hawaii-set films like Pearl Harbor, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Just Go With It, and Punch-Drunk Love, no Hawaiians were harmed (or involved in any way) in the making of this film. Aloha hits theaters on May 29.

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