Bradley Whitford to preach to the (church) choir in new NBC sitcom

Actor and delightful raconteur Bradley Whitford is returning to his West Wing stomping grounds. The actor is headed back to NBC, only instead of walking and talking at a rapid clip while delivering liberal-minded zingers, he’ll be raising his hands up and saying, “And a one and a two and a…”

Variety reports the network has ordered a pilot for Whitford’s new single-camera comedy, previously called All Together Now, in which the actor once again plays to his strengths. But rather than a salty, Ivy League-educated political operative, his new gig is described as “a salty, Ivy League music professor” who ends up taking a job as the director of a rural church choir, at which point hijinks presumably ensue. True, this will likely cut into Whitford’s side gig dissing White House staffers online, but it probably pays a little better. And it lets him be salty and Ivy League, so, you know, counting blessings and all that.

Whitford has been appearing in all sorts of series lately, from The Handmaid’s Tale to Transparent to Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but this will be his first network sitcom lead role since the gone-too-soon but badly titled ABC show Trophy Wife. Fingers crossed it’ll last a little longer than that one.

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