Brett Ratner planning "edgy 3-D re-imagining" of Snow White

Brett Ratner planning "edgy 3-D re-imagining" of Snow White

Layering three of our favorite things—“gritty reboots,” 3-D, and Brett Ratner—into one delicious modern moviemaking tiramisu, Deadline announces that Relativity Media has acquired The Brothers Grimm: Snow White, an “edgy 3-D re-imagining” of the classic fairy tale written by Melissa Wallack (Meet Bill) that will be produced by Ratner (along with some other guys with money) and is “aggressively pursuing” it for production. The story is said to hew closer to the Grimms’ original take on the German folk tale, eschewing the tra-la-la niceties of the more recognized Disney version, and hey Brett Ratner, could you maybe break it down for the streets, preferably using the most clichéd phrase in the history of marketing?

“This is not your grandfather's Snow White," Ratner said. "Melisa went back to the 500 year old folk tale and put in some of the things that were missing from Walt Disney's film. His dwarves were miners, and here they are robbers. There is also a dragon that was in the original folk tale. Walt made one of the great movies of all time, but ours is edgy and there is more comedy. The original, made for its time, was soft compared to what we're going to do."

And what do you know? We already have a preview:

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