Brighten your day with photoshopped pictures of Scarlett Johansson falling down

Brighten your day with photoshopped pictures of Scarlett Johansson falling down

Proving once again that bad things happen to movie stars and they are, at times, just like the rest of us, Scarlett Johansson took a bit of a tumble while walking down the street. Somebody caught her stiletto boot mishap on film, and the Internet has run away with the embarrassing image to Photoshop it onto other things. As others have observed, the photos go best when paired with Johansson’s cover of Tom Waits’ “Falling Down” from her album Anywhere I Lay My Head. It’s only a matter of time until someone makes a slideshow set to that song. You can see the whole album of various interpretations here. Have a nice trip; see you next fall; we'll be here all week.

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