Britney Likes Blake, Y'all

Britney Spears posted a new musing in the "stream of consciousness" section of her website yesterday. What's interesting is that it's not an autobiographical poem about her relationship to Kevin Federline or the papparazzi. No, this time it's a sort of personal interpretation of William Blake's poem "The Tyger."

Read it below and ponder Britney's pondering method. (thanks to for the screencap)

I have goosebumps. Truly, nothing captures the dangerous beauty of a tiger more than a 2 inch by 2 inch picture of its striped face on the Britney Spears website.

I always had Britney pegged as more of an e.e. cummings fan, if only for his use of the word "puddle-wonderful," so Blake is a surprising choice. But if you're looking for a poem about tigers and how they fall just shy of having a sense of mysteriousness, then I guess Blake makes sense.

What I'm saying is, I can't wait for the papparazzi shots of Britney and Sean P. at the zoo that sparked this musing. Busch Gardens can be an inspiring place.

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