Britney Spears assures fans she's "totally fine"

Britney Spears assures fans she's "totally fine"
Britney Spears during her Vegas residency in 2018. Photo: Ethan Miller

At this point, there’s a certain degree of unreality that surrounds basically any new piece of information about Britney Spears. The sheer amount of strangeness that permeates her life—the massive celebrity, the intense media focus, and especially the terms of her day-to-day existence within a legal conservatorship she’s now been living under for more than a decade—makes even seemingly normal statements feel rife with oddity. Somehow, that layer of the surreal can even extend to something as simple as telling her fans that they don’t need to worry, and that she’s feeling “totally fine.”

That’s the gist of a new Instagram post Spears released yesterday afternoon, responding to two fairly trivial questions about her life—”Does she get dizzy when she spins around?” (Yes) and “What’s up with that red fridge you posted?” (She thought it was cool)—before diving into the one that’s inspired an entire online movement over the last several years: Is Britney Spears okay?

To which her answer is: Yeah! She’s “extremely happy,” with a beautiful home and children. If she’s been quiet online lately, it’s just because she’s taking a break and having fun. (There’s also an attached plug for a women’s clothing store she apparently likes, natch.) None of which, somehow, stops the video from having a vaguely weird air, especially since these videos are one of the only ways Spears has communicated with the wider world for years. (Outside of various legal filings related to the aforementioned conservatorship, put forward by her lawyers, of course.) Take it as read that the comments on the Instagram post have already filled up with people arguing about hand gestures, word choice, secret messages, etc. Still, though: Britney’s fine! Britney is almost certainly fine.

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