Brockmire serves up a heaping helping of Panda Express meltdown in this exclusive sneak peek

Nobody knows benders, being on the losing end of adultery, and calling a baseball game like Jim Brockmire. And in the next episode of the IFC comedy that bears his name, he’s putting that expertise toward helping out new broadcast booth partner Gabby Taylor (Tawny Newsome), who’s been hit with the devastating unassisted double play of learning, in a very short period of time, that a) she’s pregnant, and b) her wife is cheating on her. In this exclusive clip from “Placed On Wavers,” she recuperates—which amounts to eating heaping mounds of fast-food Chinese, provided her extremely complicated requests for modifications and sauces are met.

Brockmire airs Wednesdays on IFC at 10 p.m. EST.

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