Brooklyn is getting a Captain America statue that can do this all day

Captain America is celebrating 75 years of patriotic ass kicking, and in honor of the anniversary, he’s getting his own statue in the character’s hometown of Brooklyn, USA Today reports.

The 13-foot-tall bronze statue will be unveiled at the San Diego Comic-Con at the end of the month before traveling across the country to Prospect Park, Brooklyn, for a special dedication ceremony on August 10. You can see a sketch of the statue below:

Boasting the line “I’m just a kid from Brooklyn” from Captain America: The First Avenger (though perhaps Civil War’s iconic “No, you move” would have been more appropriate for a statue), the likeness features a pose “symbolically chosen to showcase the impressive strength of Captain America and his stoic form,” according to Paul Gitter, senior vice president of licensing for Marvel at Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media. Of course, anyone can lift Cap’s shield—it’s not like it’s Mjölnir—so by “impressive strength,” maybe Gitter just means the real statue will look really buff in that position.

If you won’t be at Comic-Con or in Brooklyn any time soon, you can order your own 12-inch-tall bronze statues or 35-inch-tall replicas cast in pewter via the online store of Comicave Studios, which designed the statue alongside Marvel.

[via i09]

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