Bruce Willis gets booed for throwing a baseball poorly, boosts non-celebrity egos worldwide

Bruce Willis gets booed for throwing a baseball poorly, boosts non-celebrity egos worldwide
Photo: Gilbert Carrasquillo

Celebrities live such a idyllic existence that they appear, at times, to actively seek out embarrassment. Consider anyone who agrees to play late night talk show games with Corden or Fallon, having already fulfilled their promotional duties with a straightforward interview. Think of all who, already famous, appear on Saturday Night Live to guest in lukewarm sketches doing funny voices and wearing goofy costumes.

And now, with this in mind, watch Bruce Willis throw the first pitch at Wednesday night’s Philadelphia Phillies home game.

Willis, a successful actor who could be spending his time simply watching baseball from the comfort of really good seats, decided instead to venture out into the public eye, throwing a ball in front of an enormous audience that makes it their business to constantly assess how good professional athletes are at ball-throwing.

It did not go well.

For whatever reason, Willis’ pitch was lousy, bouncing on the ground. The crowd, maybe expecting a mightier display from the man most associated with clearing skyscrapers of terrorists and defying death itself to give young Haley Joel Osment top-notch child therapy, boos the actor.

It’s hard to watch anyone, no matter who they are, be publicly shamed. As is the case with every time a powerful figure embarrasses themselves, though, all of us ordinary people get to take some level of solace in knowing that those with more money and prestige than we’ll ever experience are capable of looking like dorks, too. What possessed Willis to throw the pitch is anyone’s guess, but, if details about the upcoming Die Hard prequel thing are anything to go by, maybe we can conclude he’s just a glutton for punishment.

[via Page Six]

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