Bryan Fuller crowned showrunner of CBS’ new Star Trek series

That sound you hear is fandoms colliding, as Variety reports that Hannibal creator Bryan Fuller has just been entrusted with the sacred post of Star Trek showrunner. Fuller, who began his TV writing career on Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, humbly accepted the honor on Tuesday, describing it as “without exaggeration a dream come true to be crafting a brand new iteration of Star Trek with fellow franchise alum Alex Kurtzman and boldly going where no Star Trek series has gone before.” And Kurtzman described his fellow executive producer as the ideal steward for the sci-fi legacy:

“Bringing Star Trek back to television means returning it to its roots, and for years those roots flourished under Bryan’s devoted care. His encyclopedic knowledge of Trek canon is surpassed only by his love for Gene Roddenberry’s optimistic future, a vision that continues to guide us as we explore strange new worlds.”

The new, as-yet-unsubtitled Star Trek series will reportedly seek out new character lives, worlds, and civilizations, while also “exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception.” It’s expected to launch in 2017 on CBS, before being relegated to the Delta Quadrant, i.e., CBS’ SVOD service.

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