Buffy The Vampire Slayer marathon heading to Pivot for Halloween

Perhaps taking to heart the lessons learned by FXX’s recent society-obliterating Simpsons marathon, small-time cable network Pivot will be airing themed blocks of Buffy The Vampire Slayer episodes every day for a week leading up to Halloween. Pivot, launched in 2013 as a “disruptive TV” service focused on social advocacy, aims to appeal to adults 18-34, that tricky subset of discerning viewers who must be convinced why they should watch live cable television when they already get Netflix right on their phones. The network’s original programming—which includes a variety show emceed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and a talk show hosted by Meghan McCain (daughter to John)—has yet to set the world on fire, but a week-long Buffy marathon is bound to get a few millennials to turn on the TV.

Well aware that adults 18-34 love puns and alliteration, Pivot has given each block of Buffy programming a catchy name. The marathon will kick off on October 27 with “Mondays Suck.” That will be followed by “Eve Of The Demons,” “Witchy Wednesdays,” “Thursday Unleashed,” and finally “Classic Monsters” on Oct. 31. On every day before Halloween, the marathon will start at 5:00 p.m. ET, while on Halloween itself, it will begin at 10:00 a.m., then conclude with a string of the show’s Halloween-themed episodes starting at 7:00 p.m. With any luck, the marathon will nab Pivot a few of the millennial viewers it covets so much, just in case its baffling promotional videos weren’t getting the job done.

[via Variety]

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