Butthole Surfers are recording a new album, their first since 2001

Butthole Surfers are recording a new album, their first since 2001

It’s unclear what’s compelling the acid-drenched agents of chaos in the Butthole Surfers to record a new album, but the important part is that they are. Guitarist Paul Leary has confirmed a report in The Austin Chronicle from a meeting of the Austin Music Commission, of all places, where producer Stuart Sullivan mentioned that he was about to go into the studio with the band. Butthole Surfers’ last album, Weird Revolution, came out in 2001, at the tail end of a brief, bizarre period of mainstream success that came after “Pepper” reached No. 1 on the Billboard modern rock charts. Sixteen years later, the Surfers’ mainstream prospects are all but nil, so perhaps that means it’s finally safe to emerge and make some more noise.

[via Stereogum]

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