Buy Ad-Rock’s shoes, and he’ll donate to Planned Parenthood

Now may be our winter of discontent, but it will hopefully be followed by our spring of activism, a summer of standing up for at-risk communities, and a fall of holding our political leaders accountable. (Or we could just do what we normally do.) In the meantime, though, you can consider participating in Giving Tuesday—which is totally a thing—by scoring a pair of Beastie Boy-approved kicks. Ad-Rock‘s partnered with vegan footwear company Keep on a line of shoes that will support women’s reproductive rights and your arches. The shoe, pictured above, is the Ramos Ad-Rock, makes up for what it might lack in aesthetic appeal with its functionality and fundraising, as Keep and Ad-Rock are donating the net proceeds from the sale of the shoes to Planned Parenthood. Ad-Rock shared his charitable thinking in an announcement for the partnership:

Given the outcome of our current election, it’s gonna get a lot colder before we can feel that summer sun again. So I collaborated with my friend, [Keep Shoes founder] Una [Kim], not just because I wanted warm sneaks, but because I support small business. I support women-run business. I support Asian-American-run business. Net proceeds of this shoe will be donated to Planned Parenthood because I support a woman’s right to choose and feel that women should not be punished for making decisions about their own lives and bodies.

Ad-Rock’s been vocal in his opposition to the platform that got the president-elect where he is now; he held an anti-hate rally in Brooklyn’s Adam Yauch Park. The park’s playground equipment was vandalized with swastikas and pro-Trump graffiti earlier this month.

The Ramos Ad-Rock was designed to be a winter sneaker, so it’s water resistant and stuffed with synthetic down. You can preorder it here.

[via Pitchfork]

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