Buy this giant, Burning Man-famous boombox art car for just $5200

Buy this giant, Burning Man-famous boombox art car for just $5200

With prom and wedding season coming up, allow The A.V. Club to present the very best option for classy transportation: a boombox car. The 24-foot-long art car known as the Rockbox is for sale now on Craigslist. Built on a 1987 Dodge van chassis, the Rockbox was, of course, designed primarily for use at Burning Man, but can be yours for a mere $5200, not including trailer or sound system. It needs a good cleaning, but seeing as it’s been a feature at Burning Man for years, that’s probably a smart move regardless.

The Rockbox will hold 50 people at any given time and has a built in DJ deck and stainless steel security door, as well as brand new LED lighting. Topless angel creatures, fire breathers, and break dancers not included. [via Laughing Squid]

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