Call for questions. Also, news about the site.

As I mentioned last week, we've got a redesign coming up next week. On Wednesday expect the site to have an all-new, all-awesome new look. We'll also be taking steps to bring you entertainment news on a faster basis and to liven up this here blog with more regular posts. Then, the Monday after that (and maybe a little bit before), expect our usual content, and some new features, to start rolling out on a daily basis. We want you back here more often. Because we love you. (And because we want more traffic.)

So instead of checking in on Tuesday night / Wednesday morning, you can check in throughout the week to find all kinds of new goodness. (Wednesday will remain the day we post the week's big interview / feature story, however, so if you insist on being a once-a-weeker, you probably won't notice the change too much.)

One of the new features we're adding is a column called "Ask The A.V. Club," which is pretty much what it sounds like. Collectively, we've got a lot of useless pop culture knowledge on staff and we'd like to help you answer your most confounding questions, be they obscure bits of trivia or inquiries of a more philosophical bent. Or if you just want to challenge us on our opinions, we can take it. Please write. We even created a special e-mail address for it, namely:

Email: [email protected]

Help us get the ball rolling on this. (Also, if you wrote in the last time I posted this address, I still have your e-mail.)

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