Cameron Diaz expected to be expecting in that What To Expect When You're Expecting adaptation we're expecting

Back in October, we reported that Lionsgate planned to create a Valentine’s Day-like ensemble comedy about five different couples going through pregnancy, all under the auspice of “adapting” What To Expect When You’re Expecting—for many years now, the No. 1 book for making pregnant women call their doctors for every minor gas pain, and lie awake at night, having paranoid visions about breach births and umbilical cord strangulation. That project is now well into its third trimester, meaning we can expect some serious aches and swelling, and the occasional searing Cameron Diaz casting announcement, all of which are perfectly normal.

The first actor to officially join the film from Nanny McPhee director Kirk Jones, Diaz will balance out her recent return to hard-R raunch in Bad Teacher with another safe studio picture, playing the Jillian Michaels-like host of a fitness show. Of course, like Diaz herself soon will be, her character will not only be very protective of her figure but also over the age of 40, meaning she definitely doesn't expect to be expecting. So you can expect that, when she learns that she is expecting, she will suddenly have to find out what to expect when you're expecting, something she never expected she would have to do. We expect you can guess what happens from there.

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