Camp used in filming Friday The 13th to offer totally safe tours for promiscuous teens

Presumably after laughing off the warnings of Crazy Ralph, the operators of Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco in Hardwick, New Jersey have decided to open the grounds to the public and offer rare tours of the property. Beyond a chance to see what sort of things Boy Scouts get to do while camping these days, this is also notable because Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco was the location used for filming the original Camp Crystal Lake in the first Friday The 13th movie. If you believe the stories, it’s also where a little boy named Jason drowned because the people who were supposed to be watching him were having sex, but that’s probably not true (and it’s definitely no reason to suspect that local resident Pamela Voorhees has been murdering teenagers for revenge).

This comes from Bloody Disgusting, which says that the camp will be holding its next public tour (the fourth one ever, apparently) on—get this—Friday, October 13. The number of available tickets will be “very limited,” but anyone who has spent $50 on No-Be-Bo-Sco merchandise from January 1 to the day the tickets go on sale will get priority notice. You’ll have to sign up for the camp’s mailing list to know when that is, though.

The Bloody Disgusting post doesn’t say if the camp has specifically confirmed that any and all naked teens will be slowly picked off, one by one, until only a single girl is left alive to find their bodies, but it’s probably safe to assume that something like that will happen. Also, here’s a helpful tip: If you are that last girl, don’t just drift off in a boat when you think you’ve beaten the killer—whoever it may be—once and for all. You will be dragged into the lake for one last scare.

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