Caption Contest: Ringing in the bling

In the interest of science, creativity, and the science of creativity, we're posting a film or TV still every week, and we're going to ask you to come up with a clever caption. Whoever's caption gets the most likes will win some kind of nonsense prize from The A.V. Club office, most likely a Simpsons toy of some sort. The winner of the last contest was The Hero Of Akron-Canton (again!), who gave the world "Add the word 'feet' after her name!" Very clever.

Make sure you post your caption as a new comment, not as a reply, so we can sort out the winner. And though we know you'll be tempted to go for the easy, gross joke, remember that our commenting policy isn't out the window here. This week’s still comes from The Bling Ring, which I think is about some rich ladies or something? I dunno, you can read our B+ review right here. Here's one to get you started:

"No, it's way more evocative of the ideas in Critique Of Practical Reason than Metaphysics Of Morals!"

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