Career Suicide thrashes back to life with “Tighten The Screws”

It’s been nearly a decade since the Toronto hardcore band Career Suicide released new music, although it hasn’t lost its bite during that time away. Part of the reason the band’s been quiet is that its guitarist Jonah Falco plays drums in another Toronto band, the prolific and conceptual Fucked Up, though vocalist Martin Farkas cops to the fact the band struggled finding a way to top 2006’s Attempted Suicide. But now the band is back with an EP and LP both called Machine Response, and The A.V. Club is premiering “Tighten The Screws” from the full-length below. “Tighten The Screws” is the kind of straight-ahead ripper that Career Suicide became known for in the 2000s, putting an equal focus on songwriting and sheer velocity. The song allows equal space for Farkas’ wailing while allowing Falco and the band’s newly minted second guitarist Dallas Good to bounce riffs back and forth, and even finds time to toss in a simplified version of an Iron Maiden lead.

Pre-orders for Machine Response are available through Deranged Records and Static Shock Records.

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