Carly Rae Jepsen gets high with Instagram cat Shrampton in "Now That I Found You" video

Carly Rae Jepsen’s songs could be described as boy-crazy, but her new singles find the giddy songstress casting her affections elsewhere. Her last single, “Party For One,” was an ecstatic ode to masturbation, and, as the video for “Now That I Found You” reveals, the singer’s latest starry-eyed banger isn’t about a guy, but a cat.

And not just any cat. Jepsen’s linked up with Instagram sensation Shrampton for the colorful clip, which allows the squishy Scottish Fold ample opportunity to stare dumbly into the middle distance while flaunting his big orange belly. Yes, it’s impossible not to seethe with jealousy while watching her cuddle his chunk, but it’s worth it to watch Shrampton slowly multiply until Jepsen’s apartment is transformed into a perfect, cat-swarmed heaven.

Huff on some catnip and watch Carlos Lopez Estrada and Nelson de Castro’s video above.

And look at Shrampton in a bowtie. Look at him!

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