Carrie Fisher auctioning off Star Wars set photos, reminding us all of the cruel passage of time

Carrie Fisher auctioning off Star Wars set photos, reminding us all of the cruel passage of time

Just in time to provide a visual bookend to this, Carrie Fisher has posted a small gallery of candid photos of herself and Star Wars co-stars Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford on the set of the now-37-year-old movie, all as an advertisement for an upcoming auction. Like a similar gallery recently posted by Peter Mayhew, the photos serve as a powerful reminder that Star Wars was once a series defined by the youth and vitality of its cast of relative unknowns—and also that, even as a young man, Harrison Ford was so dour that not even chocolate (delicious, delicious chocolate) could twist his handsome face into anything happier than a stoic grimace.

The pictures are part of Fisher’s contribution to a massive movie memorabilia auction being held by her mother, actress Debbie Reynolds. And because Debbie Reynolds has been trapped for the last six decades inside show business—like a small child wandering a funhouse hall of mirrors, until all grasp of reality has been stripped away—the auction has been given both a Hollywood-esque title, “Debbie Reynolds: The Auction Finale,” and a trailer, complete with slowly zooming titles and needlessly epic music.

Among the more than 800 other pieces of movie memorabilia up for auction is VistaVision Motion Picture Camera #29, used to film special effects scenes for A New Hope. It’s unclear from the listing whether the camera carries any dents from George Lucas angrily beating his fist against it, enraged at it for not being a computer.

Anyone upset about Fisher mining fond memories and nostalgia in the service of crass commercialism should scroll back up, look at the words “Star Wars” again, and then nod resignedly.

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