Cartoon Network fires Clarence creator over allegations of sexual assault

Skyler Page, creator of the animated series Clarence on Cartoon Network, has been fired by the studio after another employee, Emily Partridge, said he had sexually assaulted her. Partridge is a storyboard revision artist for Adventure Time.

Maré Odomo, an illustrator and friend of Partridge’s, was the first to name Page publicly. He tweeted that Page is “known to grope women without their consent. Don’t be left alone in a room with him.” Partridge initially spoke about the incident purely in generalities, but Odomo’s tweet—combined with support from others in the animation community—prompted Partridge to make the whole story public last Wednesday. (She since went into even more depth in a Tumblr post.)

Page was promptly fired the next day. Cartoon Network had no statement beyond confirming that Page was no longer employed by the studio. The show—on which Page voiced the titular character—will continue production, according to a network spokesperson.

Cartoon Brew has a detailed breakdown of the story, and observed last week that Page was “not finding much support from his co-workers.” Numerous other Cartoon Network employees have came forward to express their support of Partridge, including Pendleton Ward, the creator of Adventure Time, and Patrick Harbin, former head of story at Clarence. The latter wrote a Tumblr post saying that Page “never wrote a single episode of Clarence” and that the show’s success owed little to him, adding that viewers shouldn’t “punish the talented crew that actually raised Clarence.”

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