Casino Royale, Happy Feet Rule U.S. Box Office

Once all the absentee votes are counted, the hanging chads factored in, and the Supreme Court makes its ruling, a definitive winner at last weekend's box office will be determined, but for now, it's ended in a statistical dead heat, with the robust family film Happy Feet and the revamped James Bond movie Casino Royale finishing around $41 or $42 million apiece. Most reports give Happy Feet the slight edge, but it also opened on about 400 more screens, so it pretty much evens out. They both did slightly better than the week's other opening, the not-screened-for-critics comedy Let's Go To Prison, which scooped up a mere $2.1 million for 12th place. In limited release, For Your Consideration and Bobby both opened strong, with per screen averages of $17,000 and $33,500 respectively, though the latter is only on two screens. The weekend's most surprising dog turned out to be Fast Food Nation, the well-reviewed fictional adaptation of Eric Schlosser's best-selling exposé, which netted a paltry $1200 per screen average on 321 screens.

Detailed numbers can be found at Box Office Mojo.

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