Casual Racism with Halle Berry and Iggy Pop

While racism is obviously sooo last season, as with any trend there are always a few Mel-come-latelys who try vainly to keep it alive. Take Halle Berry who, on Friday's Tonight Show, showed Leno some wacky morphed photos she'd generated using Apple's Photo Booth software—which the funloving Berry often uses to "crack herself up"—including one with a giant, bulbous nose that she introduced as her "Jewish cousin." Tee hee. (Berry immediately requested that the remark be stricken from the broadcast and issued a public apology.) Or how about strange bedfellow Iggy Pop, who recently offended a handful of viewers when he used the word "Paki" in a BBC2 broadcast? (To be fair, the BBC noted that Pop was probably unaware that the once-common term had "passed out of polite usage"—and also that Pop has a "built-in content advisory warning.") Thus far both have avoided any backlash or scandal whatsoever, proving that racism, once hot, is now so totally not.

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