Cat becomes friends with dog, turns into metaphor for perseverance

It’s kind of like the living embodiment of the “hang in there” kitty. A cat is enclosed in a glass cubicle and wants to get out. Even with nothing for kitten claws to dig into, this tiny feline perseveres to get to the top, with an unexpected bonus once it gets up there. Turns out this persistent animal is trying to get to its friend, an equally adorable puppy, which also offers a bit of assistance to get its pal to come visit on the other side.

Ladders posted the video today under “Distractions,” citing that the kitten “defies the odds and overcomes enormous physical barriers, to escape its limitations.” It was also posted by financial commentator Josh Brown.

There could be some animal behavior lessons here about tenacity, or teamwork, or striving to achieve your goals. Or it could just be a cute video displaying an impressive friendship. Either way, it’s the Monday after daylight saving time, so you deserve a few minutes’ break to watch it as you, too, climb toward the end of your workday.

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