Cathouse star Dennis Hof wins Nevada state assembly seat, despite being dead

Dennis Hof came to national prominence not as a Mike Love impersonator, but rather as the overseer of a legal Nevada brothel on HBO’s Cathouse reality series. And, as reality TV’s essence slowly consumed our nation’s collective values and countenance, the brothel owner rightfully saw himself as exactly the kind of leader Americans want. Sure, he had a failed run as a Libertarian in 2016, but, after rebranding himself as a Trump-style Republican, his dream of winning a seat to the state’s legislature came true last night. Unfortunately, Hof wasn’t around to see it as he died last month at the age of 72.

CNN’s Bill Weir reported that Hof handily defeated Democratic educator Lesia Romanov, claiming nearly 70% of the votes in the heavily Republican district where Hof operated his Moonlite BunnyRanch. The hope, TheWrap notes, is for county officials to appoint another Republican to fill his seat, though whoever it is likely won’t have written a book called The Art Of The Pimp.

Hof’s win comes in the wake of sexual assault allegations from Jennifer O’Kane, a former employee who claims Hof repeatedly raped her without a condom. His campaign denied the allegations calling them “absurd and… absolutely politically motivated.”

Hof was found dead on October 16 at Hof’s Love Ranch brothel in Crystal, Nevada by porn actor Ron Jeremy, who we can all agree definitely would’ve been Hof’s running mate in his inevitable 2024 presidential run.

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