CBS might give CSI six (teen) seasons and a movie

Even though it survived the cancelation massacre from a few days ago, CSI might still soon find itself on the way out. According to Deadline, CBS is currently considering giving the long-running procedural a proper sendoff with a two-hour movie and possibly a shortened season—which would be its 16th. Deadline theorizes that the shortened season could be as brief as six episodes, and that the movie—which we assume would be a TV movie and not a theater movie, because who would go to the theater to watch CSI?—will be used to wrap up any lingering storylines that the show still has.

In other Crime Scene Investigation-related news, Deadline predicts that the franchise’s most recent spinoff, CSI: Cyber, will probably get renewed. However, it may “undergo some retooling.” We hope that means the show stops worrying about computer-related crimes and starts focusing on crimes that are committed inside computers. Everybody can wear crazy virtual reality gear all the time! Or they could do crimes committed by computers, with Arquette and Van Der Beek battling against some kind of rogue artificial intelligence.

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