Celebrate Easter with 24 hours of Stone Roses’ “I Am The Resurrection”

Celebrate Easter with 24 hours of Stone Roses’ “I Am The Resurrection”

For some people, Easter Sunday involves fancy brunch, hunting for eggs, biting the ears off chocolate bunnies, and celebrating Jesus rising from the dead. To the Boston-based VanyaRadio, however, the holiday is a chance to play the eight-or-so-minute studio version of the Stone Roses’ “I Am The Resurrection” on a loop for 24 straight hours, starting at midnight Eastern on March 27. (That comes out to about 170 spins, if you’re scoring along at home.) Believe it or not, the airing of the song is steeped in tradition: The related site Vanyaland notes that “I Am The Resurrection” was traditionally the last song played during the Easter weekend version of Boston’s long-running Britpop/indie night, the Pill, and in 2014, VanyaRadio played various versions of “I Am The Resurrection” for 24 hours.

With a June 30 Stone Roses show on the horizon in New York City, and rumors of new music from the band, a more straightforward marathon celebrating the band’s halcyon days is all-too-appropriate. As the site so aptly puts it, “Jesus was resurrected, and now so are the Roses.” Tune in all day Sunday here at VanyaRadio.

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