Celebrate Friendsgiving properly by watching Friends in the theater Thanksgiving weekend

Celebrate Friendsgiving properly by watching Friends in the theater Thanksgiving weekend
Screenshot: Favorite Videos/Friends

If you’re looking for a distraction from the fun of spending Thanksgiving with your relatives, this rapidly closing 25th anniversary year of the dawn of Friends (and Fathom Events) is here to provide. When the company previously brought the beloved-by-many sitcom to movie theaters in September, “more than 230,000 fans participated nationwide,” says Entertainment Weekly. The airings across three nights grossed almost $3 million, “making it the second-highest-grossing U.S. event cinema release of 2019.”

So it’s unsurprising that Fathom would go back to that particular well, taking advantage of Friends’ favorite holiday for themed episodes: Thanksgiving. Coming up on the Sunday and Monday post-Thanksgiving will be the series’ turkey holiday chapters (“The One With The List” isn’t expressly Thanksgiving themed, but does have Monica trying to incorporate “Mockolate” into traditional turkey day recipes). No word on whether participating theaters will also be serving Rachel’s trifle or three types of mashed potatoes to mimic the Friends’ holiday menu.

Per EW, here’s the schedule:

November 24
“The One Where Underdog Gets Away”
“The One With The List”
“The One With The Football”
“The One With All The Thanksgivings”

November 25
“The One Where Ross Got High”
“The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs”
“The One With Rachel’s Other Sister”
“The One With The Late Thanksgiving”

If you have to pick just one day, we suggest November 24, because the football game is a fun testament to Monica’s obsessively competitive nature and the one with all the Thanksgivings has the fun haircut flashbacks and Chandler declaring his love to Monica for the first time (granted, she has a turkey on her head at the time). Weirdly, “The One With The Rumor,” starring Jennifer Aniston’s then-husband Brad Pitt as the co-founder of “The I Hate Rachel Green Club” is not featured; also missing is “The One With Chandler In A Box,” in which Monica nearly dates her ex’s son, played by Alias’ Michael Vartan. But Christina Applegate won an Emmy for “The One With Rachel’s Other Sister” if you’re jonesing for a Thanksgiving guest star who may make you feel slightly better about your own family.

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