Celebrate John Carpenter's birthday with his music video for the Big Trouble In Little China theme song

John Carpenter turned 70 years old today and, though the horror master would rather talk video games than movies, he remains an enduring figure in the film industry. Last year, he composed the score for David Gordon Green’s box office-breaking Halloween and spoke candidly about potential reboots of They Live and Big Trouble In Little China. He also recently released a music video for his theme song to 1983's Christine and, while it’s most assuredly excellent, it pales in comparison to a video from Carpenter’s past.

In 1985, Carpenter formed The Coupe De Villes, a band comprised of fellow horror legends Tommy Lee Wallace (Halloween III: Season Of The Witch) and Nick Castle, who played the original Michael Myers. The music holds up; the aesthetic, meanwhile, was, shall we say, of a time and place. That couldn’t be clearer in the video the trio made for Big Trouble In Little China’s buoyant, synth-drenched theme song, wherein an assault from the film’s grotesque baddies fails to cramp their style. Dramatic zooms, big hair, rolled-up blazer sleeves, and a fierce commitment to crooning straight into the camera—it’s truly everything we love about the videos of yesteryear.

Happy birthday, good sir.

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