Celebrate the spirit of rock ’n’ roll with some David Bowie-themed chicken wings

Chicago’s Museum of Contemporary Art is gearing up to host “David Bowie Is,” a massive touring exhibition of the famed musician’s performances, costumes, and personas. To celebrate the event, the museum’s in-house restaurant, Puck’s Cafe, has switched up its menu, filling it with Bowie-themed entries and cocktails. And so, in much the same way that Bowie’s androgynous glam aesthetic only made his sexuality more striking, you can now prove your complete commitment to good taste by looking a waiter in the eye and ordering the “Ziggy Stardust Schmaltz” cheese plate, or the “Rebel Rebel Ruffage” salad, without breaking down into shameful, regret-wracked sobs.

Patrons can push themselves even further by ordering some David Bowie-themed chicken wings±because nothing personifies rebellion, sex, and danger like an item off the apps menu at Chili’s. Though to be fair, the Starman Wings do come with star anise, because heaven forbid you make it through a David-Bowie-themed brunch without a pun or two to chuckle at.

For those whose tastes run more toward Bowie’s film career, the cafeteria will also be offering a nod to his Labyrinth performance in the form of “The Goblin King’s Favors,” a trio of tiny beef, chicken, and veggie sandwiches. And you’re certainly welcome for the addition of “The Goblin King’s Beef Slider” into your personal cultural lexicon.

“David Bowie Is” opens at the MCA on September 23.

Bowie Cafe Menu

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