Channing Tatum is just as delightful as you would hope

Magic Mike XXL star and human fist bump Channing Tatum participated in a reddit AMA session recently, and surprise: he’s exactly the kind of dude you always suspected he was. The perfect mix of charming dude-bro and guileless lunkhead, Tatum answered question after question with the straight-faced, single-entendre magic that is his stock in trade. The whole thing is well worth a read, but in the interest of enticing those of you who may not have yet warmed to his brand of endearing simplicity, please enjoy some of the following exchanges.

With regards to his hacked Sony email where he celebrated 22 Jump Street’s bro-tastic box office and repeated “HAHAHAHAHA” approximately ten thousand times:

On unexpected adventures:

On the value of nudity:

On sandwiches:

On a dream role:

On his penis:

You get the idea.

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