Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle


  • Assuming Charlie's Angels somehow justified a sequel
  • Trotting out the name "Helen Zaas" as the pretext for a punishing gauntlet of posterior-themed quips
  • Ratcheting up to headache-inducing levels everything that was obnoxious about the first film
  • Replacing a wasted Bill Murray with a wasted Bernie Mac
  • Sadistically attempting to resurrect the career of Demi Moore

Screenwriters John August, Cormac Wibberley, and Marianne Wibberley

Tone Of Commentary
Detail-oriented, enthusiastic, explanatory. When not over-explaining a plot that they concede doesn't make much sense, the Wibberleys and August—which sounds like the name of a dreary revivalist folk outfit—discuss what didn't make it into the film, usually for budget reasons. They also note that they justified big, splashy, expensive setpieces by making them integral to the plot. (Incidentally, the plot is perhaps the least integral element of Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.)

What Went Wrong
Seemingly every sequence designed to clarify and explain the plot was cut. Splashy sequences in Las Vegas were nixed as too expensive, and the filmmakers were unable to snag some big names for cameos. Certain elements of the film were too over-the-top even for the writers, chief among them a sequence in which Moore appears to fly, and a bit during a motocross chase where an cyclist suspended upside-down in midair starts shooting at the Angels.

Comments On The Cast
As is customary, everyone is praised for their looks and talent, though it's made clear that the Angels came into the project with strong ideas about their characters. Arbitrary love interest Luke Wilson is called "Cary Grant-y." Even legendary super-creep Crispin Glover is deemed "cute."

Inevitable Dash Of Pretension
The writers expound at length on how the possibility of an Angel leaving the family provides the emotional thrust of the piece, though the slipperiness of identity is ostensibly a theme, as well.

Commentary In A Nutshell
Opining on another manner in which the film may have gone just a tiny bit over the top, August says, "I kind of wish people's eye-rolls didn't have sound effects to them… That, and also, when flashlights make noise… it's not a light saber."

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