Cheating On Justin Timberlake Will Result In Your Fiery Death

Cheating On Justin Timberlake Will Result In Your Fiery Death

There have been many music videos that incorporated dialogue. Michael Jackson's "Thriller." Paula Abdul's "Rush Rush." Pat Benetar's "Love Is A Battlefield." But until Justin Timberlake's 9-minute clip for "What Goes Around," no music video could claim to have dialogue written by the guy who directed The Notebook, Nick Cassavetes. Perfect, non-stunted, completely necessary dialogue like:

Justin Timberlake: I never seen you before. You work at the club?

Scarlett Johannsson: Leave me alone. I'm with someone.

JT: Really?

SJ: Yeah.

JT: Who?

SJ: That guy over there.

JT: Look, I never seen you before. You work at the club?

SJ: I'm really bored.

JT: You're bored?

SJ: Yes.

God, me too. And this video just started. Bring on the fire dancers, hilarious fake pool drownings, and those pesky burning car pile-ups that always materialize when you're in a high-speed car chase with the boyfriend who just caught you kissing his friend in a stairwell:

Moral: Everything is fuzzy. Except for the fact that if you cheat on Justin Timberlake, you'll end up in a horrible car wreck that seemingly leaves you both without a scratch and also dead on the street. You'll deserve it too, because, you know, what comes around goes around.

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